• English
  • Frequently asked questions about Saglyk.org
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1 1 1 1 1 Gyzyklylygy: 5.00 (2 Ses)

Question 1: Who created this website?

Answer: Saglyk.org was developed by Turkmens who deeply care about increasing health literacy in the country for the Turkmen public. In fact, if you care about these issues please contact us so we work together! There are always ways to support ongoing efforts.

Question 2: What’s the point of having these materials on-line when Internet access is so poor in Turkmenistan? It is not affordable by many and connectivity is not good.

Answer: Although Internet is slow and not accessible by many in Turkmenistan, over the three years Saglyk.org has existed, the website has managed to build a committed audience in the country. We believe that development of a body of knowledge and quality materials in the Turkmen language is the first step in improving health literacy in Turkmenistan. This is the first and only portal with public health information in the Turkmen language. Once the Internet speed and access improves, these materials will be available for the public at large to use. And even now, we find that some visitors to the website download and print out materials to share with colleagues, students, and friends and family that have no Internet access.

Question 3: How is the initiative funded?

Answer: Development of quality materials and answers by medical professionals cost time and money. Just like any other non-profit initiatives we have to fundraise and work with donors. We are constantly looking for new ideas and contacts. Please help us to reach out to potential donors.

Question 4: Can I publish and distribute books that have been translated by Saglyk?

Answer: Where There is No Doctor (Maşgala Saglygy) and A Community Guide to Environmental Health (Amaly Gollanma: Daşky Gurşaw we Adam Saglygy) have been not been published. They are both made available for download on the website. We would be happy to see them published and distributed as print books in the country. Please contact us with your ideas and we can discuss the details.

Question 5: Can I repost your blogs on social media and other websites?

Answer: Yes, please do so, but also acknowledge the source. Thank you!

Question 6: I am a doctor with many years of experience. How can I get involved?

Answer: Saglyk is looking for doctors with Turkmen language proficiency to work with the public. Please read the details here.

Question 7: I am a medical student. How can I get involved? Am I under-qualified to get involved in the initiative?

Answer: We do not care which year student you are. Do you care about health literacy in Turkmenistan and want to do something about it? Then please do get in touch with us. There are always ways to contribute and help.

Question: 8 I am a teacher at a secondary school. How can I help?

Answer: Please feel free to print and share materials from the website with your colleagues and students and use them in your classrooms. Also please let us know what your communities needs are concerning public health and environmental health. We might be able to develop materials based on your needs if they have not already been covered on the website.

Question 9: I work at the office of an international organization in Turkmenistan. We have materials developed for the Turkmen public on public health. Would you post our materials or a link to our materials and organization’s website on Saglyk.org?

Answer: Yes, the goal is to make any materials developed on public health in the Turkmen language available to the Turkmen public. We will be happy to receive your information and post it on the website if they are available in Turkmen.

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