• English
  • Six things you should know about Saglyk.org
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1 1 1 1 1 Gyzyklylygy: 5.00 (2 Ses)

Saglyk.org is a non-profit initiative developed with the mission to improve health literacy and the public’s engagement around public health issues including environmental health in Turkmenistan. The initiative works to bring together concerned Turkmen speaking audiences regardless of their geographic location.

Saglyk.org does not pursue any political agenda. Materials are published with the goal to generate constructive public engagement around important societal issues. The website encourages comments and debate on key public health issues.

Saglyk.org follows the professional standards in material development and confidentiality. It does not disclose any information related to website visitors’ and contributors’ information to third parties.

Saglyk.org materials are free to the public. Use and dissemination of the materials is encouraged; however, reproduction and cross-posting of copies may not be used for commercial purposes. When reposted the source of the Saglyk materials should be acknowledged.

Saglyk.org does not accept any kind of corporate support or advertise products of pharmaceutical companies. Currently, no advertising of any kind is present on the website.

Saglyk.org welcomes cooperation and engagement with Turkmen and international governmental, private and non-governmental stakeholders.

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